猫眼电影 > The Dazzling Miss Davison
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The Dazzling Miss Davison

1917-06-18美国上映 / 50分钟

Young society rake Gerard Buckland spies a pretty girl walking down the street. As he tries to figure out a way to approach her, he sees a disreputable-looking man surreptitiously hand her a diamond necklace, which she hides on her person before fading into the crowd and disappearing from sight. Later that day he visits the home of a friend, and is astounded to meet that same girl. During their conversation she claims that, as a lark, she picks her friends pockets of valuables, then later returning it to them. Gerard, however, doesn`t quite buy it. It turns out that she is, in fact, not what she says she is, but not in the way Gerard thinks.

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