猫眼电影 > The Little Shoes
The Little Shoes海报封面图

Rosalind, whose papa is rich, first meets David Noel when, she is about ten years old. He is a shivering little beggar boy who is seeking the scant warmth emitted from a sidewalk grating at her home. Rosalind, with childish generosity and sympathy, takes off her shoes and gives them to the beggar boy. Those little shoes were David Noel's guiding light. They spurred ambition in him, the ambition to become rich and then make the pretty little donor his wife. Years pass. The two children saw each other no more, and David wins the first step towards his ambition's goal. He becomes rich in Costa Rica. Then he returns to the great city wherein dwelt the girl of the little shoes to achieve the final step. Time has wrought a great change in Rosalind's life. Her papa has lost his wealth, and she, now grown, is facing destitution. Thus David, finding her at last, is enabled to repay two-fold the gift of the little shoes. She wins him and his fortune.

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