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Vous êtes servis
2010-03-24法国上映 / 57分钟

In Bangkok-Bahrein (1984) Amos Gitaï reconstructed the entire chain of a booming trade of human beings based in the Far-East. Jorge León has chosen to focus on Indonesia and follow the itineraries of those keen to emigrate, from the dream of better economic wellbeing through to the cruel disenchantment of economic exploitation. The testimonies, letters, give detailed accounts of the humiliations, beatings, fear and despair experienced by these young girls from rural areas, who are thrown into a world they know nothing about. While it is vitally important that these testimonies be heard, the film main focus lies elsewhere—on how supply adapts to the demand of a flourishing market. Vous êtes servis highlights the globalisation of this new form of slavery.

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