猫眼电影 > His Old-Fashioned Dad
His Old-Fashioned Dad海报封面图

His Old-Fashioned Dad


Emory Morton, the son of an old-fashioned country doctor, is able to attend medical school only through the sacrifices of his parents. Emory's gambling extravagances force his parents to sell their livestock, and when yet another request for money is received from Emory, Dr. Morton goes to investigate. He finds Emory gambling with his friends, and after he is accused of being old-fashioned by his son, he departs, stricken. On the way home, the doctor is injured in an auto collision and taken to the hospital. Placed next to a dying patient in the hospital ward, he switches identities so that his family can collect his life insurance. Now living alone, his widow becomes obsessed with a fear of tramps, and when the doctor wanders through the door of his house, she kills him in terror. Meanwhile, Emory has used the insurance funds to develop an important medical discovery and, upon finding success and financial security, he finally develops into a respected doctor.

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