猫眼电影 > As a Woman Sows
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As a Woman Sows


Mayor of Lynboro, Loren Hayward is so dedicated to his work, he soon neglects Milly his young wife. In order to rekindle his affections, she engages in a flirtation with ladies' man Robert Chapman, an all too willing suitor who forces her to kiss him. As Robert embraces Milly, Loren appears and angrily orders them both from the house. After abducting her son Bobby, Milly flees to another city, but Loren follows them and takes the boy back home. Learning afterwards that Loren and Bobby have contracted scarlet fever, Milly breaks into the house and nurses them back to health, and husband and wife are reconciled. During a party, however, Robert mistakenly enters Milly's room, but she is saved from a compromising situation when burglars break in through the window. As the terrified Milly faints, Robert escapes in the confusion.

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