猫眼电影 > The Double Room Mystery
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The Double Room Mystery

惊悚 / 犯罪
1917-01-15美国上映 / 50分钟

Morris, a hardened criminal, is imprisoned for larceny and has engaged William Newman, a police court lawyer, to defend him. As recompense, Morris gives Newman his vest in which are sewed four valuable diamonds. Newman is attracted by a girl who slaves for the proprietress of his boarding house. Georgianna, who is afraid of Newman, is arrested for the theft of several cheap rings belonging to the proprietress, which have been mislaid. While in prison Newman promises to pay her bail, if she is willing to meet his advances. Newman cuts the diamonds from the vest, as he is determined to get away with all instead of one, according to the agreement. The new hole in the vest is discovered, and Morris is brought before the chief. The two are left alone and Morris hits the chief and disappears through the window. Georgianna`s case is dismissed, but she thinks Newman is responsible for her being set free. On arriving at his rooms a fierce struggle ensues.

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