猫眼电影 > Izpitanie


1942-11-09保加利亚上映 / 91分钟

The successful factory owner Sasho Kamenov marries Maria. Sasho wants to surprise Maria with a villa on the seaside. He commissions the project to architect Karshev who begins to court Maria. Kamenov sends his wife to the seaside. There Maria meets Karshev. She feels unwell in the car and the medical examination reveals that she is expecting a baby. In her joy at the news she accepts the architect's invitation to go boating. A raging storm keeps Maria at Karshev's villa. Kamenov accuses his wife of adultery and chases her away. After a while he repents and goes abroad in search of his wife... Sasho discovers his wife singing in a club in Nice. She tells him everything, he asks her to forgive him and soon the happy family makes a photograph.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900