猫眼电影 > Raiders of the South
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Raiders of the South


Johnny Brownell, former Confederate officer turned Federal agent, is sent to Texas during the reconstruction years to obtain evidence against a gang of raiders who have been making life difficult for the local carpet-baggers. He saves the life of Shorty Kendall, an unreconstructed rebel about to be hanged, and this wins him the gratitude of Belle Chambers, a widow whose husband was killed in the Civil War who hates all Yankees with a fever. It is she who heads the gang of Raiders, but Johnny soon proves she is a pawn of a conscienceless lawyer, Preston Durant, who is using Bell's raiders to cover up his own schemes. Reno Browne is on hand as Belle's daughter Lynne, billed as Reno Blair, as she always was in any film with Johnny Mack Brown.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900