猫眼电影 > Oi prostates
Oi prostates海报封面图

Oi prostates


Up against the well-established upper caste of the Greek artistic circles, an uncompromising painter finds himself fighting a losing battle. Unable to overcome the towering obstacles and the insurmountable challenges thrown his way, the unyielding artist plucks up the courage to do the unthinkable: protest against his money-grabbing relatives, his compromised superiors, and his colleagues at the university by bricking up the windows of his house. Now, his wife and his daughter are part of the painter's madness and his self-imposed exile; an honourable but cruel decision that he is hell-bent on carrying out to the bitter end. His rapacious kin and the ever-present state have already set their sights on getting their hands on the artistic genius' legacy. Will the protectors' efforts bear fruit?

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