猫眼电影 > 沉船——九七年的故事


1998中国大陆上映 / 54分钟

1997年春,来自北京的一队人马进驻丹东东港大鹿岛,开始了一场庄严的打捞行动。他们的目标是一个世纪前在中日甲午海战中沉没的中国战舰,邓世昌所在的致远舰是打捞任务的第一重点。 参与这场行动的主要力量包括专门组织的打捞致远舰领导小组、打捞专家、地方政府和赞助企业。从策划探摸仪式新闻发布会,到排除一个又一个猜测地点,半年多的时间过去了,打捞队起初的雄心勃勃变成了忧心忡忡。最后,终于在另外一片海域中寻到两块锈迹斑斑的疑似战舰残片,送回北京,向专家鉴定组和声势浩大的全国性募捐活动交上一份差强人意的答卷。 Over a hundred years has passed since the Sino - Japanese war. An ambitious project is undertaken to salvage a Chinese battleship that was sunk in the Yellow Sea in 1894 and turn it into a museum. As members of local government, the media and regular citizens get more involved in the project, it begins to snowball, taking on larger and larger significance. The gaze of the director follows the quiet progress of the film's subject in a way that avoids depicting it through a lens of artificiality. There is no music composed especially for the film; the conversations in Chinese, the roar of the sea, and the sound of a drum - and - fife corps become the film music itself. In this work, you will find nothing of the silly manipulations of the sort found in some Japanese TV programs which superficially dazzle the viewer by fitting the track of a well - known song to a news image. The treatment of the subject matter is so adroitly quiet that it has the effect of streamlining the viewer's consciousness to the time and space of the film itself.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900