猫眼电影 > The Brother from Space
The Brother from Space海报封面图

The Brother from Space

1988-06-21西班牙上映 / 90分钟

A huge spaceship makes its way to our world and sends out a smaller ship with three aliens in it to have a look around. Something goes wrong and the three explorers eject to Earth in small pods as their vessel explodes. Only one being seems to survive and, as is usually the case, the local authorities just want to shoot at it and call the military. The alien goes into hiding thanks to the help of a blind music teacher who has psychic powers, and a sympathetic priest with good intentions. It turns out that the visitor just wants to make nice, be friends with everybody, and would simply prefer to go home rather than hurt anyone. His friends are looking for him, but time is running out!

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:400601890