猫眼电影 > 麦城


The Castle of Lallation
动画 / 短片
2016-07FIRST青年影展上映 / 18分钟

改编自弗兰茨·卡夫卡《城堡》、罗贯中《走麦城》。本片力图借助梦语,呈现一种难以通过叙事来表达的感觉,它是虚无的、碎片式的、困惑的。主人公无意中跟随一只蝴蝶进入了一个城堡,而城堡的主人向他展示了城堡里的秘密——那是一个寄托着荒诞乌托邦的“蝴蝶工厂”。在一切怪异行为和固执努力之后,却没有等到蜕变与升华的结果。然而,这也许仅仅只是城堡里周而复始的一小段的蒙太奇片段,它们犹如梦境般的支零破碎,而又必然联系着。片中实验性地将中国的历史和戏曲元素符号化,结合荒诞戏剧和话剧的表演形式,演绎了一个梦化的城堡里面所发生的抽象戏剧。 Adapted from Franz Kafka’s The Castle and Luo Guanzhong’s The Wheat City , this filmtries to convey a nihilistic, fragmented and confused feeling, which is hardly achieved bynarrative, with an aid of dreamy words. The hero of the film enters a castle following abutterfly unintentionally while the host of the castle shows him a secret—a “Butterfly Factory”which embodies an absurd Utopia. The hero does not attain sublimation after all the wiredbehavior and a great amount of efforts. Perhaps this is only a small clip of the recurringmontage that appears in the castle. These clips seem as incoherent as dreams, while theyare also connected with one another inevitably. This film constructs an abstract drama that happens in a virtual castle by experimentallysymbolizing the elements from Chinese operas and history as well as integrating the actingfrom Absurd Theatre and the traditional stage play. 项建恒,独立导演,教师,中国美术学院副教授。嗜荒诞戏剧、受到新浪潮的熏陶,现已创作7部短片,曾入选广岛国际动画节、德黑兰国际动画节等国际影展,在国内外获奖及入选近30次。 作品列表 Filmography 2006 《天错》 Blunder 2007 《黑记》 The Black Records2009 《1:15》 2010 《镜观甲骨》 The Oracle2012 《早读课的三次困惑》 Three Times Bewilderment In MorningLeasson 2013 《演讲的异轨》 The Détournement Of Lecture


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