猫眼电影 > A Continental Girl
A Continental Girl海报封面图

A Continental Girl

剧情 / 战争

The story is one of love and adventure in the exciting days of '76 when this country declared its independence and shook off the yoke of England. Flossie Burgett, loved by two soldiers, naturally plights her troth to the American, thereupon the Tory becomes the enemy not only of her sweetheart, but of her family. A duel fought between the two men only fans to deeper flame the animosity of Staunton, who was worsted. The villain tries to persecute the girl. He meets his just deserts at the hands of Deerfoot, who kills him with a rifle after receiving his own death wound. The leap of the captain from a high cliff and the death in the water are filled with excitement. After the war and the United States born all ends happily and on Christmas Day with several pairs of lovers made happy.

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