猫眼电影 > Shadows from the Past
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Shadows from the Past


Mary Fitz Allen has three suitors, Arthur Barton, a young soldier, Robert Jardon, a barrister, and Lord Lester, already past middle age, but devoted to her. Her heart, however, is wholly Barton's, and while, being very gracious with Lord Lester, has an ill-concealed dislike for Jardon. Her mother is purse-proud and favors the suit of Lord Lester. Jardon sees Mary and Barton talking together in the garden, and from her words, gathers something of what has passed between them. Later, in the village inn, he makes a remark against Mary's character that Barton overhears and the young soldier knocks him down. Barton returns to the barracks, but is told that in falling Jardon had been struck on the head and is now dead. Advised by his companions to leave the country at once, Barton sends a note to Mary, assuring her that "he will never desert her," but will send for her as soon as he is safe in another land. Receiving the letter, Mary falls in a swoon. Mrs. Fitz Allen tells Lord Lester that ...

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