猫眼电影 > The White Scar
The White Scar海报封面图

The White Scar


Hudson Bay fur trapper Na-Ta-Wan-Gan, falls in love with Janet Mackintosh, the daughter of the factor at the trading post who has been promised to the deceitful Henri Drouet. After stealing skins from Mr. Mackintosh with the help of Red Pete, Henri hides the evidence in the mail bag of Janet's brother Robert. Caught with the stolen goods, Robert is declared guilty and sentenced to a three-day journey into the wilderness. To save his love's brother, Na-Ta-Wan-Gan claims to be the thief and is jailed by Mackintosh. Robert and Janet release the trapper from prison, and then he and Janet abscond to a missionary's hut where they wed. The couple makes a home in the woods with the help of Wehnonah, an Indian chief's daughter who also loves Na-Ta-Wan-Gan. While on his death bed, Red Pete confesses his part in Henri's crimes, and Henri is apprehended and sent on a long traverse . Only after a series of misadventures, however, does he come to justice and clears Na-Ta-Wan-Gan's name.

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