猫眼电影 > Heimweh... dort wo die Blumen blüh'n
Heimweh... dort wo die Blumen blüh'n海报封面图

Heimweh... dort wo die Blumen blüh'n

剧情 / 音乐
1957-11-22西德上映 / 90分钟

A young woman who attempts to commit suicide out of heartache is saved at the last second by a priest accompanying a boys'choir. The clergyman soon learns that Renate, the suicide candidate, is an operator in a Vienna factory, that she has an affair with Robert, the firm's engineer, and that she has a rival in the person of Erika, the managing director's whimsical daughter. Chance has it that the boys'choir must perform in this very factory, which terrifies Renate, who, in the meantime had been adopted by the troupe. She chooses to disappear...

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