猫眼电影 > Pralhad

Hiranyakashyap was the king of the daityas pleased Lord Brahma who blessed him with a boon. He was looking for immortality and was cunning enough to ask for this boon -- 'may no human or animal (with and kind of weapon) be able to kill me. Neither during day nor night, neither indoors nor outdoors, neither under the sky nor on earth should anyone kill me. "Lord Brahma granted his wish and disappeared. The King wanted to conquer the world and be worshiped by everyone. But own home his son Prahlad was a faithful devotee of Lord Vishnu and he refused to worship his father and he said "Lord Vishnu is the all powerful and all-knowing one". King Hiranyakaship order his military officials to kill Prahlad. Acting on his order the military personnel tried various means to kill Prahlad. He was stabbed by spears: thrown off tall mountains , thrown off tall mountains, bitten by a poisonous snake, and burnt alive with Holika. But, Prahlad emerged Safe.

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