猫眼电影 > The Legacy of Happiness
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The Legacy of Happiness

剧情 / 爱情

Allen Gordon, a young clerk, is discontented and longs for great wealth. His discontentment causes his sweetheart to break their engagement, as his lust for money would only make her miserable. That evening in his room, Gordon falls asleep and has a startling dream. He receives a telegram from his lawyer, advising him that his uncle in Italy has suddenly died and left him one million dollars. Upon receipt of the money Gordon adopts a life of ease, dons expensive clothes and is introduced into society by his lawyer. Here he meets Will Graft, a foppish dude, who instantly schemes to marry his sister to Gordon. A few evenings later a brilliant social function is held at the Graft home and Gordon is the guest of honor. During the course of the evening Will's sister enchants him with every trick and artifice within her power and Gordon, enraptured with her charms, puts an engagement ring upon her finger.

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