Nabil Awad
Bradley Barnett
饰:Palace Soldier
Timothy Barnett
饰:2nd Palace Soldier
Chanukah Baskir
饰:Voice of Raven
Cylton Collymore
Alexis Cooke
饰:Palace Priestess
Rashaod M. Crosson
饰:Exterior Set Soldier
Syd Dong
饰:Voice of Widow
Mehran Haq
Mehran Haq
饰:Elijah the Prophet
Nora Bauer
Greg Coale
Susan Majek
Susan Majek
饰:Pagan Priestess
Libertad Green
Libertad Green
饰:Queen Jezebel
Elise Arsenault
Elise Arsenault
饰:Queen's Attendant 1
A.J. Faraj
饰:Prince of Omri
Meera Narasimhan
饰:Woman at the Well
Stephanie Rigizadeh
饰:Tribal Ambassador