Emancipated is a reality television show that takes viewers into the lives of troubled teens grappling with their role as emerging adults and debating with their parents, counselors, and friends about whether or not their lives will be better if they become emancipated minors, capable of living and working as adults. In each episode of this riveting series, real teens from around the country whose lives are plagued by drama and discontent learn the hard way that being free from their parents isn't always as fun as it sounds. These teens, who come from a wide variety of locations and backgrounds, think they're ready to live like grown-ups. Emancipation offers seemingly endless opportunities, and maybe if they can live and work on their own their lives will turn around. However, without the safety net and constant support of their parents, some of these teens are soon begging to return to being children. Watch as these teens work with therapist Stacy Kaiser during their trial ...
影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900