猫眼电影 > Collide

Julie and Quinn are on the bad ends of their separate relationships. Julie`s husband, Vince, left her after two miscarriages and a stillbirth. Julie doesn`t feel equipped to survive without her life partner and cannot move on or change her heart. Quinn, on the other hand, has cheated on his longtime girlfriend, Lisa. He knows he made a mistake and he believes Lisa realizes this as well, but saying "I`m sorry" isn`t enough for her. She won`t forgive him; she won`t take him back. Quinn can`t continue his life without her. He cannot function. All he wants is a second chance. Lonely and confused, Quinn and Julie connect on a night where they`re trying to get over their former partners. After an awkward morning after, they both decide that the other was a temporary remedy for their respective broken hearts. But what starts out as a "rebound" relationship turns into something more, but they both remain damaged from their previous relationships. Are they what the other needs in order to heal...

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