猫眼电影 > Piita


剧情 / 战争
2012-12-14孟加拉国上映 / 120分钟

At the eve of arrival of Pakistani Military in the village, villagers call for a meeting. Jalil, a blacksmith, tells this to his adopted father and leaves home for meeting. Bipin looks worried as he heard about violence in the nearest market and decided to leave the country. But his son Sharat is very obstinate and he leaves the meeting saying that he will fight for the country and never leave the country. Next day Pakistani Military attacks in the village. Sharat escapes with his father and pregnant wife but when went of fetch the bag of midwife he gets caught and killed. Like him many a men is killed with the help of Bangladeshi collaborators. Jalil somehow manages to save himself and his sons but his daughter is taken by the Military. To bring back his daughter, Jalil follows the jeeps of Military with his swords and knives.

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