猫眼电影 > Away


冒险 / 剧情
2013-03-22德国上映 / 87分钟

"I don't want people to say that I did the same shit my whole life. Typical tight ass every day." It almost appears to be an escape. An escape out of what we would call everyday life. David Keller decides to leave Germany, but not to lunge into any adventures. Instead everyday life has taken him with both of her strongest forces: consistency and pressure force him to capitulate and break out of his world, which is a world that is ruled by getting results, a world in which an individual loses his identity. A few weeks later David arrives at a camp for foreign aid in India seeking to do something good, something he can be proud of later. However he learns more than just about poor and thirsty children: their way of living couldn't be more different to the European way. It is a mentality in search of its own kind worldwide and one in which David makes not only new discoveries about himself. With this film production the students behind AWAY found themselves in the same situation - in the...

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