猫眼电影 > Private Life
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Private Life


There is a discord between Dinesh and his father because Dinesh takes a medical course for the propogation of sex education after seeing the ravages of sexually transmitted diseases. On completion of course he sets up a clinic and does much needed work. Realizing the woth of his maid, Radha, he marries her. He devotes his life to his profession and deals succesfully with many stertility cases and allied problems. *.* SUNITA, an orphan since birth, is brought up in an ashram. On reaching the marriageable age, Baba the ashram caretaker and a fatherly figure to all the ashram girls, finds its impossible to find a match for Sunita, due to the nonentity of her family tree. It was with a stroke of good fortune that he finally suceeds in getting Sunita married to Hemant, a man with good personality, and a steady service in a private office. Sunita leaves the Ashram, her home since birth, with tears of sorroe and joy, at starting a new life. .

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