猫眼电影 > Mazaaq

Orphaned at an early age, and brought up in an orphanage home in Bombay, Vinod search for employment is all in vain. One day he rescues Dr. A. Irani from a fire, and when she recovers, he steals a certificate in the name of Heeralal Mehta, certifying that the person is medically mentally challenged. He changes the name on the certificate, goes around acting mad, getting food & clothing for free, and also involves his down and out friend, Raja, in this scheme. The Police are informed about Vinod, and in order to escape he re-locates to Bangalore. Once there he applies and gets a job as a Manager with the Narang family business, meets with Moushumi Narang and both fall in love with each other. One day Moushumi's dad comes across the certificate, and also a newspaper notice about Vinod's escapade and his mental condition. He fires Vinod and asks him never to meet Moushumi again. Vinod returns to Bombay, gets another certificate from Dr. Irani, this time certifying that he is sane, and he...

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