猫眼电影 > Ela sto theio...
Ela sto theio...海报封面图

Ela sto theio...

1950-12-06希腊上映 / 89分钟

Antonis is the nephew of the good-hearted grocer Harilaos Toukouras. He is slothful and lazy but also in love with Rena. In addition, he is the only heir to his uncle, who considers marriage as the only solution to his nephew's problems. That's why he is looking for a bride for him by checking the newspaper ads. Due to a printing error, an ad for the sale of a sewing machine appears in the personal ads column, bringing uncle and nephew to the house of Mr Fotis, a serious and honest estate agent who has two single sisters. Roula, the youngest, is secretly in love with Kostas and things get mixed up when Antonis steals money from his uncle to settle his house with Rena, but Kostas is believed to be the thief.

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