猫眼电影 > Going Highbrow
Going Highbrow海报封面图

Going Highbrow

喜剧 / 爱情
1935-08-23中国大陆上映 / 7分钟

Cora and Matt have tons of money and have spent a lot just to be accepted into New York society. The problem is that New York society has very little money. Matt prefers lunch counters and regular clothes to fancy dining rooms and dinner clothes, but Cora wants to be in with the '400'. So they give the cash poor, but socially prominent, Marsh's money to have a little party in their honor, and Matt hires waitress Sandy to pose as their daughter. But Harley has already meet Sandy on the sidewalk, and even though he does not know who she is, he is in love with her. But Sandy does not like him.


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