猫眼电影 > Hawthorne of the U.S.A.
Hawthorne of the U.S.A.海报封面图

Hawthorne of the U.S.A.

喜剧 / 爱情 / 冒险
1919-11-16美国上映 / 57分钟

American law clerks Anthony Hamilton Hawthorne and Rodney Blake are nearly broke in Monte Carlo when Hawthorne breaks the bank. While driving through the impoverished kingdom of Bovinia, Hawthorne falls in love with a woman he meets when he retrieves his blown-off cap. Deciding to stay, Hawthorne is persuaded to finance a revolution until he learns that the woman he loves is Princess Irma and that she is in danger of being assassinated. After Hawthorne is jailed, accused of attempted assassination, he bribes the guards to let him escape with money hidden on himself. He then stops the mob from burning the palace by giving the soldiers their back pay. Because he establishes a thriving business at the country's medicinal springs, Bovinia greatly prospers. When the king declares the country a republic and abolishes all titles, Irma is free to marry Hawthorne.

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