猫眼电影 > The Girl He Didn't Buy
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The Girl He Didn't Buy

1928-04-15美国上映 / 57分钟

Philip D'Arcy (William Eugene), the financial backer of a Broadway show offers to star Ruth Montaige (Pauline Garon), in the show but he has another reason for doing so. But Ruth, dumb but pure, agrees to marry him after one year, figuring she will be a star and and can goodbye to the lustful money-man. Then true romance comes along and she falls in love with true-and-equally-pure Edwin Edinburh (Allan Simpson). This riles her standby lover to the point that, with the help of a jealous girl in the show's cast, manages to get poor Ruth on a deserted yacht with Edwin, hoping the shame and scandal will ruin her budding career.


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