猫眼电影 > 圣诞前夜


Ночь перед Рождеством
喜剧 / 短片 / 奇幻
1913-12-26俄罗斯上映 / 41分钟

Based on Gogol's story: It's Christmas Eve, and everyone in the village has plans. The devil and the witch Solokha are looking for ways of causing mischief. Chub the Cossack just wants some vodka. Solokha's son, Vakula the smith, wants to court Chub's charming daughter Oksana, who sets him on a quest: if Vakula will bring her the tsaritsa's shoes, Oksana will marry him. Meanwhile, the popular Solokha has a series of male visitors to contend with. When Vakula interrupts her, it sets off a chain of events that leads to a busy night for everyone.

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