猫眼电影 > Kant aan m'n broek!
Kant aan m'n broek!海报封面图

Kant aan m'n broek!

1978-11-24荷兰上映 / 40分钟

Dr. Lucien Petypon wakes up after a wild night on the town and finds a young dancing girl called 'Garnaaltje' in his bed. He manages to hide her from his wife Gabrielle, but not from his uncle the General who visits unexpectedly. The General naturally assumes that Garnaaltje is Petypon's wife and invites the two of them to his château for the impending wedding of his favorite niece Clémentine to Lt. Corignon. Unknown to them, Corignon happens to be an intimate acquaintance of Garnaaltje.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:400601890