猫眼电影 > Twenty-One



When the pampered Jimmy Mufferton reaches the age of twenty-one, he decides to escape his doting aunt, and with his father's inheritance check in his pocket, he sets out to seek adventure. Jimmy greatly admires Dixie Charlton, but the presence of her protective brother sends him running. Jimmy meets his physical double in "Battling" Dave Carey, a prizefighter whom he pays to change places with him for forty-eight hours. Consequently, Jimmy settles into Dave's home, presenting gifts to his amazed mother and sister, while the fighter horrifies the Mufferton household with his rough manners. Jimmy finds the life of a pugilist disappointingly dull until he learns that he must face the tough Sullivan in the ring, and although he is frightened, he screws up his courage and wins the fight. His confidence high, Jimmy returns home to assume his place as the head of the household and to claim Dixie as his bride.

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