"Bless Me Father" is a 21-episode British sitcom that ran from 1978 to 1981. A gentle and impish look at Catholic life in post-war suburban Britain, the series follows the adventures and misadventures of the practical-minded veteran Irish priest Fr. Father Duddleswell (Arthur Lowe) as he tries to break in his inexperienced and idealistic young curate Father Boyd (Daniel Abineri). The priests` lives at St. Jude`s Parish in London are hilariously complicated by an unflappable and tart housekeeper (Gabrielle Daye), a stern and imperious Mother Superior (Sheila Keith), and a flippant worldling neighbor, Billy Buzzle (David Ryall). Plots revolve around crises that make Catholic parish life both charming and frustrating, e.g., fund-raising and parish bazaars, the seal of confession, complications over funerals, etc.
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