猫眼电影 > Tunisi top secret
Tunisi top secret海报封面图

Tunisi top secret

喜剧 / 爱情 / 冒险
1959-06-21意大利上映 / 100分钟

An Italian orphan countess, Katy, wants to be a journalist, but is dismissed from her work because she does not bring in hot news; she hears that young Prince Scedid is about to inherit the throne of his father, and that he lives an irreproachable life - actually so secluded that almost no one knows him. With her friends Simona and Barbara, she goes to Monastir in Tunisia, to set-up the Prince of Scedad and to take photos of him in some compromising situation that will give Barbara headlines in the scandal press. The English government is aware of a death menace against the future ruler of Scedad and sends three secret agents to protect him: Major Knicherbocker, Mr. George and Baron Philippe. The political enemies of Prince Scedid have paid two thugs, Pedro and Paulo, and a belly dancer, Sherazad, to approach the Prince and kill him.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900