猫眼电影 > 80 mq - Ottantametriquadri
80 mq - Ottantametriquadri海报封面图

80 mq - Ottantametriquadri


A musical theme with five movements; a prism with five facets, five sides of the same solid body, or relatively solid, like the obligatory relationship between men and women, five colors with tonal gradations for a picture of a situation that's increasingly more abstract and rarefied, about games of affection and sentiment, tender, arrogant, unaware, at times cruel indecisive and extreme. Five different stories in eighty square meters of space that's limited, coercive and reassuring in which tensions and intentions bounce off the walls, multiplying and creating a web of trajectories that imprison the main characters. Alternately ironic and cynical, at times moving, it has a minimum common denominator: for now in the clash of feelings, in the web of love, the truce, the solution for tranquility still seems far away. But we're all working to find it.

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