猫眼电影 > Ta tria mora
Ta tria mora海报封面图

Ta tria mora

1955-04-11希腊上映 / 87分钟

Still living under the same roof with Aunt Kallithea, the orphaned, good-for-nothing Madaropoulos brothers--Fillipos, Babis, and Polikarpos--have no intention of losing the perks of childhood. To be more specific, with Aunt Kallithea at the edge of her tether, the jobless and penniless grown-up boys take great pleasure in whiling away the time at the local coffee shop, dreaming of inheriting her immense fortune. However, now that Kallithea wants them out of the house unless they find a decent job, the trio of layabouts has no other choice but to go to great lengths to ensure their freedom and their careless lifestyle. Will the three "babies" ever grow up?

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