猫眼电影 > O ahortagos

A company director (CEO) is searching for an employee with virtually no demands. Someone willing to work for food alone, no actual money. At about this time, his young daughter has a traffic accident, driving into a pedestrian. The victim, dressed in ragged clothes, meets the director to seek compensation. A short dialogue between the two men establishes that the guy is an educated but unemployed and destitute man. Seeing an opportunity there, the CEO hires him. For some time, the newly hired man proves to be a dedicated worker. Willing to put extra hours in his office job. And in return enjoying a daily good meal at the office and getting some pocket money for minor expenses. He feels satisfied with his life, feeling food is all he ever needed. That changes when our worker meets his employer's other daughter and they fall in love with each other. The father does not approve of the relationship, but the couple marry anyway. (With the protagonist claiming that he only needs his wife to...

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